Review Policy

I just wanted to explain my ratings. For my reviews, I do not rate on editing. Sometimes I will mention it, but I’m not an editor, so I don’t rate on that. My rating is on how much I enjoyed the story line. I mainly review about the relationship of the main characters and review on what I like to know about a story.

I review as I read. If I read the 1st chapter and it doesn’t interest me, I put it down. If I know going into a book that it has too much of what I don’t like in it, I don’t read it. Why should the authors have to get a negative review from me if I know I’m not going to like their book? That’s my thinking anyways. I usually do not rate less than a 3.

So here’s my scale:

5- Perfect read for me. Kept my interest all the way through. No skimming.

4- Great read, but it either has no epilogue, a separation, or something else that I’m not a huge fan of, but the story line was still great.

3- Liked it, but wasn’t one of my favorites. Has one or more of things that I’m not a fan of.

Anything less than that, I usually know at the end of the 1st chapter and I put it down. I’m not a good writer, but I’m a great reader. My reviews are just my opinions. I do not get paid for my reviews. I love to read and just like to share my thoughts. Sometimes I do receives ARCs to review, but they are still just my thoughts on the book.

HEA for me is marriage and kids. If they are engaged, I don’t call that a HEA, it’s a HFN to me.

Hope you check out my reviews and I’m always up to talk about books. Images are not my own, they are the author’s book covers.

I usually put or share my reviews on my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and if I remember, Amazon.